For testing things only
- EEG experiments running for TEFLONTampere University TEFLON team has run EEG experiments for TEFLON. We are still looking for some children to participate in our gaming intervention and EEG measurements at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Helsinki. The experiments also include …
- Finnish Association of Speech and Language ResearchSari Ylinen and Timi Tervo gave talks about TEFLON project findings in the meeting of the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research (Puheen ja kielen tutkimuksen päivät) on 11-12 April 2024 in Helsinki. The theme of …
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- Kos-Interspeech2024I was very pleased to attend Interspeech again this year in Kos, Greece. Kos is a really comfy island located on the east coast of the Aegean sea, almost touching the mainland of Turkey. The conference was …
- Teflon at Fonetik 2024We presented our data collection at Fonetik 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference also hosted a symposium in celebration of Björn Lindblom 90th birthday. The abstract can be found here:
- Teflon at LREC-Coling 2024, Torino, ItalyWe presented our data collection effort at the international conference on language resources and evaluation combined with the international conference on computational linguistics (LREC-Coling) in Turin, Italy. The work was well received and we had the possibility …
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- Third face-to-face TEFLON meeting in Stockholm, March 2024Our third face-to-face meeting within the TEFLON project took place in Stockholm, March 20-22. Sofia hosted the meeting at Karolinska Institutet, and the research team got to try out both the Huddinge and the Solna campus of …
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- Challenges collecting and sharing speech data from childrenThe research and development that we carry out in the Teflon project relies on collections of speech recordings from foreign children who learn to speak the Nordic languages and from Swedish children with speech sound disorder. This …
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- Aalto’s participation in the ACM Multimedia 2023 Computational Paralinguistics and Multimodal Sentiment Analysis ChallengeThe Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) was organized as part of the ACM Multimedia 2023 conference. The annual challenge deals with states and traits of individuals as manifested in their speech and further signals’ properties. Each year, the …
- OSALLISTUJIA KAIVATAAN TUTKIMUKSEEN SUOMESSA (RESEARCH IN FINLAND)Hei, Etsimme osallistujia yhteispohjoismaiseen tieteelliseen tutkimukseen, jossa tutkitaan lasten kielen oppimista oppimispelien avulla. Tampereen yliopistossa ja Aalto-yliopistossa tutkitaan pelisovelluksia, joilla voi harjoitella vierasta kieltä tai matematiikkaa. Tämä tutkimus on jatkoa vuonna 2016 alkaneelle lasten digitaalisen oppimisen tutkimukselle, …
- Data collection started in Oslo schoolsThe TEFLON studies in Oslo, Norway, focus on investigating how gaming interventions affect immigrant children’s development and language learning. We have recently launched data collection at schools in Oslo and surrounding communities. The study is being coordinated …
- Interspeech 2023Hi, my name is Xinwei. I am a second year Phd student within the TEFLON project. I was very happy and excited about attending the INTERSPEECH 2023 from 20.August to 24.August in Dublin. It was my first …
- The Pop2Talk Nordic game in autumn 2023Hi, I’m Nhan Phan, a PhD student at Aalto University. I’m part of the Teflon project, and my role is to maintain the Pop2Talk Nordic mobile application. Pop2Talk is a language learning game that allows children to …