EEG experiments running for TEFLON

Tampere University TEFLON team has run EEG experiments for TEFLON. We are still looking for some children to participate in our gaming intervention and EEG measurements at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Helsinki. The experiments also include some reading and speaking tasks.

EEG is a safe method to measure brain activity and it has been used for decades all over the world. With EEG, we measure auditory event-related potentials, that is, brain responses time-locked to auditory stimuli. We expect the responses to show plastic changes in the brain as a result of our gaming intervention.  

The gaming intervention includes playing a language learning game Pop2talk Nordic or a math game DragonBox Numbers ( Thank you DragonBox for collaboration!

We are excited to work with young gamers!

Text: Sari Ylinen

Photo: Katja Junttila/University of Helsinki

Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research

Sari Ylinen and Timi Tervo gave talks about TEFLON project findings in the meeting of the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research (Puheen ja kielen tutkimuksen päivät) on 11-12 April 2024 in Helsinki. The theme of the meeting was assessment of speech and language skills, and the use of automatic speech recognition in assessment raised interest. Efforts to further develop automatic assessment of speech and language require multidisciplinary collaboration – something we have already established in the TEFLON project.

Photo: Aki-Pekka Sinikoski