Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) is a ‘Special Interest Group’ (SIG) of the ‘International Speech Communication Association’ (ISCA).
After 4 years without meetings the SLaTE met again at Trinity College in Dublin in August 2023 just before the ISCA’s main event INTERSPEECH 2023. TEFLON partners had three presentations in SLaTE and one in its sister workshop SIGUL 2023 that was run parallel to it in another nearby meeting room.
In SLaTE 2023:
- Mikko presented: A pronunciation Scoring System Embedded into Children’s Foreign Language Learning Games with Experimental Verification of Learning Benefits
- Yaroslav presented: Multi-task wav2vec2 Serving as a Pronunciation Training System for Children
- Mikko presented (joint session with SIGUL): New data, benchmark and baseline for L2 speaking assessment for low-resource languages
In SIGUL 2023:
- Aku presented: Speech recognition system improvements for North Sámi Speaker-dependent and Speaker Independent tasks